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Worldwide Headquarters ADDRESS
UNIMAID College of Jacking,

No 4 Boko street,

Off stuffs lacunar,

academic avenue,

MBBS pre clinicals site Unimaid.

(i) To bring all interesting jackers in the institute and the world at large into closer union and inculcate in them the true spirit of Jacking, the absolute booking and stuffs gathering among mankind.

(ii) To establish a society governing their jacking based on real ethics of stuffs methodology.

(iii) To encourage the reading of stuffs that instead of quenching will disseminate it around.

(iv) To promote stuffs sharing and academic bulldozing.

(v) To constitute a strong force to protect the interest of jackers and hyperstuffics.

(vi) To promote the free-flow of stuffs among mankind.

Here U can find the following:
1.In custom page 1-The faculty of Jackology and applied jacking kinetics
2.In Photo page 1:The pictures of the faculty of jackology
3.Custom page 2:The faculty of sleepomechanics and Napping
4.Photo page 2:The pictures for the faculty of sleepomechanics
5.Custom page 3:The faculty of Jacking tumour and general jacking diseases epidemiology
6.Photo page 3:The pictures for the faculty of jacking tumour
7.Custom page 4:The faculty of stuffology and applied stuffs kinetics
8.Photo page 4:The pictures for Stuffology faculty
9.Catalogue page:The faculty of Tashiology and Tash Principles

The chairman, Deans, HODs And other Professors Resources
One Emeritus Professor,more than ten Professors,ten Associate Professors and one Doctor.
BASIS: The basis of all issues in this institute will be well
MOTTO: Burn Well the Mid-Night Oil to Get the Right Stuffs