SHORT LIFE SPAN OF FOREIGN STUFFS Did anyone ever ask himself on why GST stuffs are highly volatile? It really is also amazing that anything outside the scope of your course can easily escape your memory. Let us ride on U will now know the reasons behind all these. According to the researches conducted under this department, it was revealed that the defense mechanism of the body use to produce antibodies to any stuff that is foreign to the central stuff storage faculty of the interfaculty mediation zone in the cerebral cortex. The zone in conjunction with the central stuffs reservoir of the right cerebral hemisphere through some sensors known as magnetic stuffs multimedia detects according to what individual reads more frequently and what he reads with high vigor and delight. Through this mediation the body can be able to recognize the real stuff liked best by an individual and those taken by an active transport for some purposes. The body will then make the liked stuffs part of self and the foreign ones as foreign to the body. The area 55 will then trigger a kind of immunologic reaction against such stuffs through still the mediation of another set of proteins called CD15 K-ginger cells which will produce stuffs mast cells, Memory cells and cytotoxic stuffs cells. These will a kind of bring everything under control by active killing and deletion of the so called foreign stuffs by the cytotoxic stuffs cell, while memory cells will be retained for future attack. This last statement even testify to the fact that U can remember the part one GST more the one of part two.
These reactions depends on ones immunologic strength but these stuffs are almost usually completely deleted in less than a year though there are some exceptions.
By Ahmard Y. Omar,
Prof. Jackology and applied Jackogenetics Engineering,
Ass. Prof Abdulgaffar Adegoke