Faculty of Jacking

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Professor Emeritus Ahmard Yakub (CHS mecca, ARW algiers, J.J.E wales)

a) Department of Jackology; Ass. Prof.Babagana kundi machina.

(b) Department of Applied jackokinetics: Ass. Prof. Mohd B. Lawal

(c) Department of Jackogenetics engineering; Ass. Prof. maina A. Hassan

(d) Department of Neurojackology-Ass. Prof. Giwa Luqman

(e) Department of Jacking endocrinology; Prof. Muhd Haruna Rashid.

(f) Department of Pharmaceutical jackology: Ass. Prof. Abubakar Adam Muhammad.

(g) Department of General jacking surgery, Prof. Mohd Usman Adinoyi .

DEPARTMENTS AND HODs Recent Researches
This is one of the most striking fields ever researched on in this institute. Resolins are hormones believed to be encoded by the chromosome57 (Jacking chromosome), which is a metacentric xsome. The short arm of this xsome is responsible for encoding resolin, which is a 32 amino acid protease. The xsome is found unmutated only in born jackers but it is mutated in more than 99% of individuals ( Muray et. Al 2003).
Function of resolins
Resolins with the help of another hormone alpha- laminin help in dividing different stuffs into different concentric lamellae for easy downloading and to avoid stuffs overlap. Any particular stuff faculty will be segregated and limited so no interference will occur intrafacultatively. They by this tend to help one download from an actual faculty where stuff is located with high precision, ease and great speed. It is a common knowledge to all jackers that at times one will in trying to lets say call Profunda femoris will then say Profunda brachi or instead of calling trochanter will call tuberoisity, all these are various problems of stuffs downloading.
All problems of this nature are avoidable if laminins and resolins are available in the body. Presently in the department of Jackogenetic engineering of this faculty a recombinant DNA technology research is on progress and we hope it will be a break through which those deficient in the hormones will be treated so that every boy will turn in an artificial jacker.

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History of the Faculty and Objectives HODS Email
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a) All jacking lacunars.

(b) West African college of jacking.

(c) All independent stuffs lacunars .

(d) All independent stuffs lacunars.

(e) Asian jacking angle.

(f) London school of stuffimechanics.

(g) Washington college of general and applied Neurojackology.

(h) Unimaid jacking area .

I do hope U will patronize the department by being a student or a researcher. Jacking is an interesting field try it!
Its me,Thanx

Dean: Professor Emeritus Ahmard Yakub (CHS mecca, ARW algiers, J.J.E wales)

Email the Dean
Email the dean
Ass. Prof Giwa Luqman